St Martin's School
An independent, co-educational preparatory school.
Although we retain a strong academic focus and our absolute aim is to ensure children are successful at their 11+ examinations we recognise that this is best achieved when children are offered a rich and creative Curriculum with varied opportunities. One of which is our relationship with UAL (University of the Arts.) This allows for film to become a part of our Curriculum. It is introduced in a cross-curricular capacity; writing film script, narrative and editing (Literacy) learning about lighting, sound and film (science) acting and design (The Arts). Our children are able to work on professional films with mainstream directors, as well as making their own films in school. The UAL is considered to be one of the best universities in the country for film making with many of their students going on to become leading lights in the industry. As part of this aspect of our Curriculum we also visit the University where the children can explore the studio and sets. Thus, promoting a sense of future. This part of the Curriculum encompasses a maximum of 3 days per term.