St Martin's School
An independent, co-educational preparatory school.
At St Martin’s School we take a rigorous approach to all matters of health and safety. Not only are our Policies considered “Gold Standard” but they have been adopted and actioned by the entire school. Our staff receive the very best training in the management of risk both in school and on educational visits and this is updated regularly. We voluntarily partake in an external annual audit of our health and safety policies by a professional third party auditor. This includes an assessment and audit of the fire systems in the school, the educational visits risk assessments and the physical environment.
We take an equally rigorous approach to safeguarding within the school. From safer recruitment to site safety, at St Martin’s School our staff have received “Gold Standard” training which goes beyond that required by law. We have an on-site cardiac defibrillator and we have foil blankets in case evacuation of the school in the low temperature was to occur. We use hi-vis jackets when the children are walking off site. We also have a designated ‘sanctuary’ where we can take the children in the event that they cannot be in school. Our staff have received training in safeguarding, FGM and Radicalization. We thoroughly vet all of our staff and take all the prescribed checks.
The behaviour of St Martin’s School children in all circumstances is exceptional. We continue to drive the school forwards to be the very best it can be in terms of caring and nurturing. We have a strong ‘buddy and peer mentor-system’. This makes the environment at school incredibly warm, caring and stable.
E-safety and data protection are taken very seriously. All staff and children adhere to the policies fully. In addition, all laptops are encrypted for added protection.
We invite you to look through our policies for further information. All our children are digitally literate. Social media and technology is becoming increasing prevalent. At St Martin’s School, we are preparing our children for their digital future in a safe and rewarding way. Our children attend an annual IT safety day and parents invited to an evening workshop, both run by an external, specialised company, in order to support their children’s learning. After school clubs, such as Coding, FRIV and Stop Motion Film Production, further add to our children’s digital experience.