St Martin's School
An independent, co-educational preparatory school.
An independent, co-educational preparatory school.
Our House system gives pupils a balance between the academic rigours and the social aspects of school life. It provides a sense of competition and fun through a range of school based intra-school activities; sports, academic subjects and subjects just as debate and art. It is also the basis of how we approach behaviour management.
Our House system takes into account our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to the school’s ambition to deliver a clear and embedded programme of British values including democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. The resulting system enables the children to participate fully in the emotional heart of the school and their community by providing them with a clear voice. It instils an element of competition and fun as children endeavour to work hard for their House.
All pupils are attached to one of three Houses: Elgar, Mendelssohn or Widor. When allocating children to the Houses we ensure that siblings are in the same House and within each House there is a mixture of abilities and talents.
House Points are given for effort, kindness and achievement and for adhering to our school values.
The House Captains are elected members of Form 6. They run our weekly House meetings alongside the teachers who are also allocated to the House. The winning House each week receives a small prize with bigger prizes being awarded to the winning House of the term and year. Weekly House meetings also give the children opportunities to share achievements from home such as sporting wins. Outstanding effort is also praised.
Our House system ensures children take pride in themselves, their House and of their school.